RaSC is distributed under LGPL v2.1.
The following lists the licenses of the libraries required for RaSC.
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - Library
- License
* - `Apache Commons libraries `_ (commons-lang, commons-logging, commons-codec, etc.)
- `Apache License 2.0 `_
* - `Apache Tomcat `_
- `Apache License 2.0 `_
* - `Axis `_
- `Apache License 2.0 `_
* - `Eclipse jar-in-jar-loader (Eclipse) `_
- `Eclipse Public License - v 1.0 `_
* - `fluent-logger-java `_
- `Apache License 2.0 `_
* - `guava-libraries `_
- `Apache License 2.0 `_
* - `Java API for XML-based RPC `_
- `Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) `_
* - `Javassist `_
- `Apache License 2.0 `_ , `LGPLv2.1 `_ , `Mozilla Public License `_
* - `Jetty `_
- `Apache License 2.0 `_ , `Eclipse Public License v1.0 `_
* - `json-simple `_
- `Apache License 2.0 `_
* - `JSONIC `_
- `Apache License 2.0 `_
* - `Log4J `_
- `Apache License 2.0 `_
* - `MessagePack `_
- `Apache License 2.0 `_
* - `MsgPackRPC-Java `_
- `Apache License 2.0 `_
* - `mustache for java `_
- `Apache License 2.0 `_
* - `Netty `_
- `Apache License 2.0 `_
* - `OpenSymphony `_
- :download:`OpenSymphony Software License `
* - `protobuf `_
- `The BSD 3-Clause License `_
* - `Service Grid Server Software `_
- `LGPLv2.1 `_
* - `slf4j `_
- `MIT license `_
* - `Spring Framework (org.springframework.*.jar) `_
- `Apache License 2.0 `_
* - `Trie implementation for Java `_
- `Apache License 2.0 `_